If you are worried about winter fuel bills or just feel the cold more than others, there are a number of ideas here to help. Whether indoors or outside, these 10 tips are tried and tested methods, some of which you may have overlooked.
Staying warm without central heating
1. Hot Water Bottle
You might be surprised how much a hot water bottle could help keep the chill off you if you are just sitting around at home. Not just for putting into beds, a cosy, faux fur covered hot water bottles feels great to cuddle whilst watching the telly.
2. Wheat Bag
If you have access to a microwave, how about popping a heated wheat bag across your shoulders or on your lap? Keeping the heat in for up to 45 minutes, depending on the size, this can be a great way to boost your warmth when you've realised you've grown a bit chilly.
3. Oil-Filled Radiator
An oil filled radiator can easily sit besides your chair or sofa and offer low-level localised warmth. Keep the room door closed and you will find it easily takes the chill off for around 33p* an hour, or less depending on the wattage.
4. Fan Heater
At around 45p cost per hour, a 2000W fan heater is a slightly more costly option, but will blow warm air quickly into a larger area giving you more instant warmth. Pop this on intermittently to keep the background chill off.
5. Gas Heater
Gas heaters are a reliable source of heat that don't rely on mains power. Whilst the upfront cost may seem dear, they are also generally cheaper to run than other forms of localised heating. Also great to use where mains energy is not available.
6. Hat and Scarf
It has long been said that wearing a hat will help keep your head warm, and prevent heat loss. Whilst most of us would not consider wearing a hat inside, it can, nonetheless, be an extra aid to keeping warm in a colder than desired environment. Pair with a scarf around your neck and you will keep most draughts away from your body making you feel warmer.
7. Throw
Throws, often passed over as a fashion accessory or a means to cover an old sofa, are great for snuggling under when indoors or sitting outside. Use a matching throw as an extra layer on your bed at night, to save on overnight heating. Throws are also great for wrapping around legs and ankles, to keep body heat in when sitting for long periods in a chair.
8. Real Fire
A real fire can be a luxury for some, but for others, particularly in older properties, it may be their main form of heating. With various ways to obtain burning materials, this option can be as cost-effective as it is comforting.
9. Thermal Clothing
In days past, thermal clothing was generally the go-to choice for the older generation but it needn't be so. With pretty options available for women, and plenty of choice for men, you can wear it underneath your everyday clothing and most people won't even know. So young, or old, embrace the warmth that thermal can bring you, indoors or outside.
10. Flask
What can be better than cupping your hands around a hot mug of soup, tea, chocolate or coffee? With a thermos flask at your side, one trip to the kettle or stove can give you several hours/cups worth of a hot, comforting drink to warm you from within. Ideal to ensure your inner warmth is kept topped up and to help prevent hypothermia in older people.
*based on 1500W model and current pricing.
Keeping warm this winter
Using any of these tips, or combinations of them, will make a huge difference especially to those who are less mobile, the elderly, or if you are just having to be more careful with your household budget.
With most of these options available at the Colour Supplies Home & Garden stores, why not pay us a visit today? You'll find us in Whitchurch and Oswestry in Shropshire, and in Wrexham, Wales. With a host of things for your home and garden, and so much more beside, you can even just 'come in for a warm' and say "hi" to our friendly staff.
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