Bird & Wildlife Care


Peckish Extra Goodness Nuggets

Extra Goodness Nuggets are packed with suet, peanuts and mea...

Peckish Loaded Coco-Cups, Twin Pack

Two different complimentary foods for garden birds are inclu...

Peckish Ready To Use Complete Energy Bites Feeder

A ready to use garden bird feeder filled with suet pellets e...

Peckish Ready To Use Complete Seed Feeder

The Peckish Complete Seed Mix Filled Feeder contains a blend...

Peckish Ready To Use Extra Goodness Crumble Mix Feeder

Containing extra protein, seeds and energy, the Peckish Extr...

Peckish Ready To Use Extra Goodness Energy Ball Feeder

Highly nutritional suet balls containing more protein and mo...

Peckish Ready To Use Mealworm Feeder

100% natural mealworms fill this ready to use bird feeder, i...

Peckish Ready To Use Natural Balance Energy Ball Feeder

Complete with feeder, the Peckish Natural Balance Energy Bal...

Peckish Ready To Use Peanut Feeder

A winter staple, the Peckish Peanuts Filled Feeder is perfec...

Peckish Ready To Use Sunflower Hearts Feeder

A ready to use garden bird feeder filled with Sunflower Hear...

Peckish Seed Feeder for Small Birds

Unique and stylish, this seed feeder not only attracts small...

ProGarden 2pc Hanging Bird Bath and Feeder Set

A great 2 piece Bird Bath and Feeder Set to hang in your gar...